The Replica

The replica of Tomb of Alexandrovo is the heart of the Museum Center "Thracian Art in the Eastern Rhodopes". Restoration expert have reproduced the original facility to the tiniest detail. With enviable precision, in scale 1:1, elements of the tomb’s architecture and frescoes are reproduced. Only one deviation from the original was allowed – the low corridor was interrupted in the middle in order to facilitate access for visitors. They can walk around the entire tomb and learn about the construction techniques used by the Thracians. The enclosure of the facility, for the purpose of partially easing the enormous pressure of the mound construction, is partially reproduced.

Original murals are reproduced to the smallest detail and with precision. This magnificent set of paintings is a valuable source of information about the life and culture of Thracian peoples. The replica opens a really exciting opportunity for visitors to get in touch with this remarkable symbol of Thracian art, to feel the wind of a distant epoch, to assess the skills of the ancient builder.

Authors of the replica:
Team: Vladimir Tsvetkov, Professor Valentin Todorov, Grigori Grigorov and Elitsa Tsvetkova


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